Global Educational Services is organizing Spot Admission for the period 20-29 July 2022.

Spot Admission is a simplified process that gives the opportunity for students to secure a place at our University partners.  Our aim is to give a second chance to students who failed to secure a place in the Higher Educational Institutions of Cyprus, in order for them to have alternative opportunities in universities abroad.

There are universities that still offer admission in different countries, in English-language programs until August! Global Education can help you study in the UK as well as in other European countries such as Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Sweden and Georgia.

Contact us if you have any questions or if you want to start the application process immediately!



  • Simplified admission process with the support of a Global Counsellor
  • You will know in a few days if you are admitted to the chosen programme.
  • It’s a free service
  • Gives you more options. If you already applied/consider applying to Greek Universities, why not try your chances for free with a University abroad?
  • It’s your last chance to apply to a University abroad for September 2022 intake



  1. You can apply by contacting our offices on 22780250 or by e-mail or by completing the online registration form
  2. A Global educational counsellor will contact you shortly to suggest options. The meeting can be done online or in person at our offices in Nicosia from 9:00am-5:30pm Monday-Thursday and Friday 8:30am-2:00pm.
  3. The Educational Counsellor will proceed with your application(s) to your chosen universities and programs.
  4. Within a few days your consultant will inform you about the results!



Tel: 22780250, 22785022, 22772244