
Νews and Announcements

Pre-Departure Gathering 2022 – University of Reading

The Pre-Departure Gathering for the new students of the University of Reading was held with great success on Thursday 8 September 2022 at Pull A Mango. The event aimed to inform young students about the University and the city of Reading. Organizers of the event were Global Educational Services, representatives of the University in Cyprus, together with the Reading Hellenic-Cypriot Society The president of the Society, Charalampos Zynonos, welcomed the students and gave them useful advice for their smooth integration into the university. Followed by Andreas Mouzouras, representative of Global Education, who also spoke to the students and wished them good [...]

By |2022-09-12T11:45:19+03:00September 12th, 2022|

FRESHERS FAIR 2022 for Students studying in the UK and CAREER FAIR for students and alumni

On Thursday, September 1st, the Freshers Fair and Career Fair were crowned with absolute success at the Landmark Hotel in Nicosia. Organizers of the event were Global Education, Educational Advisors for Student Placement and Recruitment, and the National Student Union of Cypriots (EFEK), United Kingdom. The Freshers Fair was held with the participation of more than 30 Greek and Greek-Cypriot Student Associations based in England. The aim of the event was for first-year students in UK to get to know the members of their university's student associations and to get useful information about their new city of residence. The event was [...]

By |2022-09-11T17:22:29+03:00September 3rd, 2022|

Pre-Departure Gathering for Nottingham Students 2022

On Thursday, September 1, the Pre departure event of Nottingham University and Nottingham Trent University was held for the new students. Organizers of the event are Global Educational Services and the Cypriot & Greek Society Nottingham Global Educational as the representative of both universities is the constant sponsor and supporter of the society. Mr. Chris Sofroniou, CEO of Global Educational Services spoke to the new students about life in Nottingham and wished them good studies. The President of the Cyprus and Greek Society of Nottingham Panagiotis Georgiou pointed out that both he and his council will be next to the new [...]

By |2022-09-13T09:57:17+03:00September 2nd, 2022|

Good luck with your A’ Level Results

Today 8/18/2022 at 8:00pm (England) the A Level results were announced. Congratulations to all students who have received succesful results For those who did not achieve their immediate goal, we would like to remind them that there are always alternative options. Global Education Consultants are here to help you find a place through Clearing 2022. Contact us at 22 780250 or 22 772244  

By |2022-09-19T22:41:55+03:00August 18th, 2022|

Help you through Results Day and Clearing 2022

We will be happy to assist any students that may not have managed to succeed with their firm choose, to apply to one of the many other prestigious Universities that are participating in Clearing 2022. So Keep smiling! We will help you through Results Day and Clearing 2022 to find the program and University that has the greatest potential to impact your future. You can contact us at 22780250 and 22785022

By |2022-09-13T21:10:52+03:00August 13th, 2022|


  Global Educational Services is organizing Spot Admission for the period 20-29 July 2022. Spot Admission is a simplified process that gives the opportunity for students to secure a place at our University partners.  Our aim is to give a second chance to students who failed to secure a place in the Higher Educational Institutions of Cyprus, in order for them to have alternative opportunities in universities abroad. There are universities that still offer admission in different countries, in English-language programs until August! Global Education can help you study in the UK as well as in other European countries such as [...]

By |2022-09-14T09:21:48+03:00July 17th, 2022|

The Football Trials for Athletic Scholarships was a great sucess

The football trial which was held at Kykkos Stadium in Engomi, on Wednesday 15th June took place with great success which was organized by Global Sports Division using the Motto, Open horizons detecting and supporting the new generation of student-athletes. Participations from football players, male and female, of ages 15 to 18. Parents and supporters had the chance to start and enjoy the trials. The event began with a short greeting from the CEO of Global Sports Division, Christopher Sofroniou, who also introduced the scouts who came from the UK and USA to closely evaluate the football players. Subsequent matches were [...]

By |2022-09-14T09:57:12+03:00June 16th, 2022|


The Global Sports Division organizes trails for boys and girls who play football, aged 15 – 18, with the aim of evaluating them for the possibility of securing a sports scholarship to study at universities in America, the United Kingdom and Europe. The trails will take place on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 5:00pm-9:00pm at the Kykkos Stadium, in Engomi, Nicosia. The international partners of the Global Sports Division, International Development Academy and U.S. Sports Scholarships as well as coaches and scouts from Cyprus and abroad will be present at the trails. CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: Boys and girls (football players) aged [...]

By |2022-09-14T10:07:28+03:00May 28th, 2022|

Global S. & C. Educational Services

22 Sina street, Block B, Office 003, Engomi Nicosia (near the American Embassy)
P.O. Box 27598, 2431
Tel: +357 22 780250, 22 772244, Fax: +357 22 780260
Email: info@globaleducationcy.com

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