Thinking where to study but need to make a choice of university, or even country soon? Do you often consult friends or acquaintances who want to study, or are already studying in England ?
We recently spoke with a Cypriot student studying in England at Bolton University.
Christos Savvas is 23 years old from Limassol and is studying Sports Science at Bolton University. Football is also interested in music.
See below what we discussed in our interview:
Hello Christos. First you want to tell us what led you to study in England and specifically at Bolton University?
Hello. I had several reasons to go to study in England. The main reasons are that when I visited England, specifically Manchester and Leicester , I really liked the student lifestyle .
On weekdays, most students keep company and are constantly together . Also, you can more easily have a proper schedule with reading, since you are limited to going out to parties outside the weekend, where there is a lot of fun and life.
The reason I went to Bolton was because I wanted to be close to Manchester where I had heard very good words and I had a lot of friends there.
Also, a lot of money has been invested at Bolton University in recent years and it is constantly rising in various disciplines such as my own, Sports Science.
What was your first impression of Bolton? Did you feel comfortable in this environment, both for living and studying?
I can not say much about staying in Bolton, as I live in Manchester which is very close – about 15 minutes by train.
Nevertheless, it is a quiet city with a large population and a good student life. As for the studies, the teachers are very very good , they are very friendly and help a lot in whatever you need.
I can say that I adapted easily to university because of these positive elements.
How different is your student life in general in England? Describe a typical day for you.
Quite different I can say. First of all, you live in a country with a different culture, where you often use trains or buses, instead of a car like in Cyprus.
Living alone is a great experience and responsibility, in which you learn many basic things that will be necessary in your life.
As for my daily day, it will be to spend it at the University, after the gym. Then we usually hang out at home, or go out for lunch or coffee, etc. The weekends are different, as there is very good nightlife and we go out to clubs or bars.
What would you say to someone who wants to study at Bolton University? What does he have to gain?
I would tell him to do it of course. Bolton University, in Sports Science, has gone up a lot. Especially considering that <11m θηκαν was given to improve the sports science facility.
For example, technical mountaineering, heated pool, gym and ergometric equipment have been installed in the areas.
Also, the famous football player Ryan Giggs has recently received a degree in Sports Science from Bolton, while he had the opportunity to go where he wanted – that says a lot about the level of school in Bolton.
Finally, what are the benefits of studying in England? What would you advise someone who has doubts?
There are many positives. First of all, you live alone, you become much more responsible and independent . You learn to cook, wash clothes, control the money you spend and generally live.
I believe we all, if we can and have the opportunity to go abroad for at least a year to study, we must do it since you get important experiences that will help you in the future.
Also, you learn different way of life -very different from Cyprus-, you visit many cities, while many countries have very cheap tickets. Really, if you have the appetite you are doing the round of Europe very economically from England.
It makes sense to have doubts about the University, since you have to look for it well and with the help of a counselor or other acquaintances, in order to make the best decision for the course you will follow at the university.
As for life it is not as “alien” as they say in England. Some areas of it may not have a good life, but it is up to everyone how it will pass. If you are home all day and you say “ bad weather, bad life, I want to go back to Cyprus “, you will have a bad time in your student life. It’s a pity, because these are the most beautiful years of your life!
On the other hand, if you are in the mood to make new friends, whether Cypriots, English or of other nationalities, you will see that everything will be much easier and nicer.