Universities and other higher education institutions determine their tuition fees. There is a legal minimum amount for registration and a maximum amount for students’ contribution to their maintenance and service costs.Tuition fees are around 800 to 1,400 € per year and are differentiated by each University individually. In private universities, the cost of tuition is different. In order to attend postgraduate studies or specialized courses, tuition fees are set exclusively by each university.
The monthly cost of living in Italy is estimated at around € 800-1,300 on average.To a large extend, it depends on the cost of rents. Unfortunately, in Italy and especially in the North, rents and life are more expensive compared to the South and Central Italy that are lower.Scholarships, student loans, housing provision, catering vouchers, services coordinated by the University’s host office to guide the student for the programs they offer.
Services for students
- Ministero dell ‘Istruzione, dell’ Universita e della Ricerca: www.miur.it
- Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita Italiana: www.cruea.