Academic year:
The academic year is divided into 2 semesters. The winter semester starts in September / October, and the spring semester starts in March / April. In the Universities, the courses start either in the winter or spring semester (except for medical / veterinary / dental schools that start only winter, with a few exceptions). During the semester, courses last for 4 months. In this way, students have time to study, prepare their work and seminars and participate in practical exercises and exams.
German language:
Knowledge of the German language is necessary for attending courses to obtain a basic degree in Germany. German language certificate requires DSH / Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochshulzugang (German Language Test for University Admission) equivalent to level C1. Each level lasts 2 months at German language institutes and you have to complete a total of 5 levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1). If these are going to be done in Germany or Cyprus, it depends on each student. But we would suggest to be done in Germany because in this way you talk and engage in German, and so learn the language better.
Restriction of admissions (Numerus Clausus):
The number of students admitted to certain schools is determined by the central admissions service. The schools concerned by this process may be different from one semester to another. In addition, some institutions are given the option of limiting the number of admissions at a local level or for specific departments. The most important selection criteria for candidates at central-local level are the average grade of the baccalaureate, waiting times, special exams, and social factors.